Monday, December 17, 2012

First Official Post

As Ben Folds Five so elegantly puts it..."I don't get many things right the first time.  In fact, I am told that a lot.  But I know all the wrong turns and stumbles and falls have brought me here."  I, like good ol' Ben, don't get many things right the first time.  Thank goodness there are second chances...and third...and fourth...

As B and I try to raise our daughter in today's fast paced world, I think of the phrase that my dad told me when my wife was first expecting.  "It takes more than 9 months to make a dad."  I am finding that to be more and more true every day.

In Proverbs 22:6 it reads, "train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."  After only a year of parenthood, I'm not sure if I am training my little girl or if she is training me.  I try to help point her in the way she should go.  I hope she is beginning to understand the way that Christ blesses her life.  But at the same time, B and I are learning so much from this whole parenting experience. I am learning more and more that Christ is training me on how to be a loving husband, a responsible father, and a good man.

Either way, no matter who is training who, B, E, and I make a good family team.  Little "whooozit" on the way will make us a happy family of four.  The Fantastic Four.  The Fearless Four...the Doutre Four.  I like that.  So here we go with Daddy Training 101.  This will be the ride of my life.