Tuesday, July 30, 2013

In the Words of a Toddler

E is now about 20-months old, and she has been jabbering away for quite some time.  To me, most of her words sound VERY similar.  I can't tell when she says "shoes" or "show" or "slide".  They all just seem to sound like "sssooooo".

She can name pretty much everyone on both sides of our family...well, with nicknames.  "Bubba", "Ty Ty", "Ju Ju", or "Bree Bree" are just a few that seem pretty easy for her to pronounce.  Of course, "Momma" and "Dadda" are staples in her everyday vocabulary.

But yesterday, at church, I was reminded that you don't need to know how to say everything to express how you feel.  E and I were walking the halls of the church building, when we saw a large picture of Christ.  I asked her if she knew who he was, and she instantly became nearly uncontrollable with excitement.  She touched his face, babbling on in a language only she can understand, continually smiling and laughing.  I have seen her do this before (each time she sees a picture of Jesus), and it simply amazes me the attachment she already has to her Savior.  Even the pictures of Christ that hang on her wall cause this same reaction.

I love it every time.  And it makes me wonder what my reaction is when I think of, speak of, or see evidences and illustrations of Jesus in my life.  Do I get excited about all of the things he has done for me? Am I willing to share my feelings so openly with those around me?  I believe and hope so.  I hope that I can always share my thoughts and testimony of Christ through the actions in my life, and not just words.

All I have to say to my daughter is...I couldn't have said it better myself.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

25 Awesome Dad Moments

So, obviously I'm not the best at this blogging thing.  But I have set a goal to get better.  After all, it took me well over a year to even start the whole thing, so taking 6 months between posts doesn't seem all that bad.

Today we experienced a classic, which has inspired my thought for this post.  When I went in to wake E up from her afternoon nap, I found her in her crib, rolling around in something unpleasant.  Turns out her diaper wasn't on just right (my bad!) and things sort of escaped...all over the crib.  Oh the joys of being a father with a rather bad sense of smell!  It didn't even bother me to clean it up!  In fact, I was laughing most of the time.  I've included a few pictures to illustrate this afternoon's tale.  Oh, and this isn't the first time this has happened.

B has a talent with the camera.  She can even make poo look rather cool with her skills.

The aerial view of the bomb site.

In light of today's events, I decided to post of list of important things that I have learned in my time as a dad.  These are not necessarily in order, nor is this an all inclusive list.  But it does include some of the best moments that I remember right now off the top of my head.

1. I have learned that not being able to smell so well is a blessing.  This has come in handy a few times, as I have had the privilege of cleaning up after my children a time or two.  Not so handy in nursery, when the nursery leader can tell it's my kid who stinks before I can.

2. I have learned that a sound uttered at the same pitch and frequency over a long period of time is a form of Chinese torture...and E has mastered it well.

3. I have learned that nothing makes me happier than to come home and receive a huge hug and kiss from my wife and daughter.  BR isn't quite big enough yet to hug...he'll get there.

4. I have learned that children don't seem to care what your sleep schedule is supposed to be like.

5. I have learned that 3 a.m. can be a sacred time when spending it with your kids, if you let it.

6. I have learned that car rides are the best!

7. I have learned that car rides are the worst!

8. I have learned that little kids are ultra curious about how things work, which in turn makes me curious myself.  This world is full of fascinating things.

9. I have learned that children really do see a lot...and copy everything they see.

10. I have learned that being a father on Earth helps me better understand, in the smallest of ways, how our Heavenly Father feels towards us.

11. I have learned that I have an amazing wife, who is exceedingly patient with all three of us kids...yes, I included myself as one of the children.

12. I have learned that we cannot begin early enough to teach our children about Jesus Christ.  He needs to always be the center of our home.

13. I have learned that Curious George only has so many episodes on YouTube.  We've seen them all.  Many times.

14. The same goes for Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.

15. I have learned that when a child cries, it sometimes can be the cutest thing ever.

16. I have learned that "sometimes can be" is the operative phrase in the above statement.

17. I have learned that the term "blow out" means something totally different in the diaper world than it does in the sports world.

18. I have learned how much fun Legos are.

19. I have learned that dance parties in the front room are the best way to pass the time.  Being out danced by a 20-month old has never been so cool.

20. I have learned that the heart has an infinite capacity to love.

21. I have learned that little princesses are born, not made.

22. I have learned that the next generation seems to arrive with innate iPad navigation skills.

23. I have learned nothing below three feet is safe from little prying hands.

24. I have learned that at large family gatherings, you no longer see your children until bed time...which makes you the bearer of bad news.

25. I have learned that being a dad is my favorite thing in the world...I love it even more than I do ultimate.  Now that is saying something.

Being a dad is the biggest blessing in the world.  I may not be too great at it, but I will get there...eventually.  Here's to continually improving.