Tuesday, July 30, 2013

In the Words of a Toddler

E is now about 20-months old, and she has been jabbering away for quite some time.  To me, most of her words sound VERY similar.  I can't tell when she says "shoes" or "show" or "slide".  They all just seem to sound like "sssooooo".

She can name pretty much everyone on both sides of our family...well, with nicknames.  "Bubba", "Ty Ty", "Ju Ju", or "Bree Bree" are just a few that seem pretty easy for her to pronounce.  Of course, "Momma" and "Dadda" are staples in her everyday vocabulary.

But yesterday, at church, I was reminded that you don't need to know how to say everything to express how you feel.  E and I were walking the halls of the church building, when we saw a large picture of Christ.  I asked her if she knew who he was, and she instantly became nearly uncontrollable with excitement.  She touched his face, babbling on in a language only she can understand, continually smiling and laughing.  I have seen her do this before (each time she sees a picture of Jesus), and it simply amazes me the attachment she already has to her Savior.  Even the pictures of Christ that hang on her wall cause this same reaction.

I love it every time.  And it makes me wonder what my reaction is when I think of, speak of, or see evidences and illustrations of Jesus in my life.  Do I get excited about all of the things he has done for me? Am I willing to share my feelings so openly with those around me?  I believe and hope so.  I hope that I can always share my thoughts and testimony of Christ through the actions in my life, and not just words.

All I have to say to my daughter is...I couldn't have said it better myself.

1 comment:

  1. Our children know and remember more than we do sometimes, don't they? A beautiful post, Nathan. Thanks for sharing. Hope to see you sometime soon. Love, Sister Condie
